Eastview Mall Protective Services is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for shoppers, tenants and co-workers. The security staff is highly trained, dedicated, New York State certified and customer focused to make your visit as pleasurable as possible. A full time Ontario County Deputy Sheriff is also assigned to the shopping center to compliment the security department.
Security is provided 24 hours a day seven days a week and the office is located near the public restrooms in the food court. If you observe anything suspicious or are in need of any assistance, please contact the security office.
Some of the complimentary services provided by Protective Services include:
- Escorts to or from your vehicle
- Jump starts for drained vehicle batteries
- Unlocking vehicles with keys inadvertently left inside
- First aid assistance including defibrillators on the property
- Lost and found property
- Assistance with lost children

Al D’Agostino
Security Manager
(585) 223-2930
For information on becoming a Wilmorite Security Officer or to apply click here.